About the project

What is thrive?
THRIVE is a multi-component research programme designed to promote resilience and trauma-informed practice in second chance educational settings. The long-term aims of the programme are to strengthen capacity and promote wellbeing in young people attending second chance education settings.

Early school leaving, defined as non-participation in school before a young person reaches age 16 or before completing three years post-primary education, can significantly increase the risk risk of unemployment or underemployment, inequality and disadvantage. Meeting the needs of early school leavers has been identified as an urgent priority of the European Union (European Commission, 2013).
The Aims of thrive
* Build an understanding of current needs and best-practices in relation to trauma-sensitive approaches in second chance education settings across Europe
* Understand the strengths and needs of educators and learners in second chance education settings
* Develop a trauma-informed training package for educators which will:
o Promote awareness of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE)
o Strengthen trauma-sensitive provisions
o Enhance outcomes for educators and learners in second chance education settings.